… and its not going that bad.
Somehow, still not sure why, I decided to get back to the school. After some changes in my professional life I found myself returning to Leiria, a nice place to live but not where I would like to be at this point, and amidst all the changes I added one more when I enrolled in a Masters course at the Escola de Tecnologia e Gestão de Leiria.
The initial stress is now gone and its no longer strange to walk in the old corridors where I spent a great part of my life a few years back, still feels awkward to find old teachers and colleagues (some are now teaching, others working in some related department). For the most part it felt good to be back.
I still don’t know why I returned, and though this will sound pretentious of me, I feel the course has little to offer. No one will pay me more just because I have a Masters, and all the software development and engineering basis I needed for my career have been provided in the licenciatura (naturally, assuming I want to keep working as software developer), for most part I’m looking at things I already do or have learned to do differently with the same results. That is not to say that I haven’t learning anything new, but truth be told, I would like to learn more.
The “why” keeps bothering me though, and I keep asking that week after week, maybe I’ll know when I finish it…