Sérgio Lopes Sakabatō, the reversed blog!

About Just another geek with a blog.

This blog is mostly my little therapy couch where writing helps me cope with the strangeness in life. It may contain some tutorial or useful tip about some tech, but is mainly a place for may rambles and nonsense than anything else.


My name is Sérgio Lopes, I’m a software engineer/developer/teacher from Portugal, working in client-server, desktop and mobile application development, being proficient with C, Java, Swift, JavaScript and PHP programming languages, along with HTML5 and CSS.

I’ve worked on projects ranging from simple WEB applications in PHP to full blown enterprise applications; projects mixing WEB and desktop technologies; integrating complex systems and, lately, mobile applications and their supporting server software. Either as a freelancer or as an employee of software development companies I’ve had the pleasure of working with interesting and uncommon projects.

Software Development/Projects

Along with non free (the typical "commercial" ) projects, I also develop or help develop several free software programs. If you check my GitHub or BitBucket accounts you can see what projects I make public and some of the technologies I use to develop software. And maybe some of the free software projects will interest you :).

A more formal CV can also be downloaded in Portuguese or English.